A podcast whereas the name suggests - Anything Goes. Hosted by Anna Rose who navigates life, love, & business with a cheeky sense of humour, who isn’t afraid to say it how it is & leave nothing off the table. Bringing you interesting & in-depth conversations from fascinating individuals on every subject, from all walks of life the podcast aims to help you push boundaries & challenge the status quo.

Thursday Feb 16, 2023
My vision & plan for my NFT: The Awakened Woman. She’s BIG.
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
In this episode I explain the vision of The Awakened Woman (TAW) the NFT Project I founded back in August 2022. From explaining what 'utility' is, to going into more detail on the plans for 'The Awakened Woman Hub' and especially & most importantly, the company launching called 'Taw Collective' where TAW Holders pull profits from. I also go into 'how to mint' a TAW and what that even means.
MINT A TAW: https://www.theawakenedwoman.io/
TAW ON OPENSEA: https://opensea.io/collection/the-awakened-woman

Thursday Dec 22, 2022
How & why I became an NFT Founder
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
On 8/8/22 the biggest project & vision of my life was born and birthed; The Awakened Woman, or TAW for short. In this episode I go deeper into why I chose to go all in on a space no one even understood yet, and take the risk to be a woman in business pioneering in Web3 before people even 'get it' yet. I have never been so proud in my entire Entrepreneurial journey than I am of what has already been achieved with TAW, and what I know will continue to be and in this episode I explain just how big my vision is and why I am so damn passionate about the entire space.
MINT A TAW: https://www.theawakenedwoman.io/
TAW ON OPENSEA: https://opensea.io/collection/the-awakened-woman

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Medical Tyranny - When is enough going to be enough?
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
On 8th December 2022 the High Courts of NZ took medical guardianship of a 6 month baby boy so his heart operation could proceed because his parents had reasonably requested the blood transfusion he will require in the operation come from ‘unvaccinated blood’. I could have left this (probably not), except watching the video, linked below, where 4 armed police are in the room with Baby W & his parents, and I watch as they guard the cot as a nurse grabs Baby W against the parents wishes & takes him away, against their will, will NEVER sit ok with me.
What sat so unbelievably wrong with me other than everything, was having had my own planned operation a decade ago I was asked to donate my own blood pre op, so ‘being able to request where blood comes from’ when there are matches who come forward, which was the case in this case, should never have ended in 4 armed police guards & a nurse snatching a baby away.
I also go into the Pfizer documents that were released that had initially been protected privately by the FDA. These documents, an estimated 450,000 pages of material about the vaccine weren’t set for release for 75 years, but a group of some 200 Dr’s, Scientists, professors and public health professionals, requested an FOIA request (freedom of information act) to the FDA & won. The court & U.S District Judge Mark Pittman who was the Judge on the case concluded that “this FOIA request is of paramount public importance,”. Uhhh yes, yes it was.
I read just a minute few of the KNOWN & reported adverse side effects of the Vaccine in this episode, pulled from a few pages of ONE of the 455 documents. So if you want to really do your head in like I have earlier, download and read tens of them.
So yes, I spoke up on this matter, because yes, I do believe that in 2022 & beyond, thanks to Government incompetence & lies, if those vaccinated want to choose to only get vaccinated blood - they can, but if those of us who chose to not get vaccinated request blood from the unvaccinated, we should be able to because of the KNOWN & proven health implications of the vaccine now.
And never do I ever want to watch medical tyranny go down over this subject - especially involving our babies, but somehow, I have a feeling this may just be the beginning.
PFIZER DOCUMENTS HERE: https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/
VIDEO OF BABY W TAKEN HERE: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl7O2pJy-6I/
NEWS ARTICLE ON STORY HERE: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/08/parents-who-refused-baby-w-nz-vaccinated-blood-transfusion-speak-out-new-zealand

Friday Dec 02, 2022
12 months of Censorship - was bullsh*t.
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Friday Dec 02, 2022
In late November 2021, Anna in an instant lost her Instagram account aka was de platformed. She had built her account for just over 10 years and amassed 70,000 followers. The reasons were wrong, but then, starting her new account, within 3 days she was shadow banned & basically 'blocked' for an entire 12 months. Unable to be tagged, mentioned or even searched for. In this episode she goes into the story of it all, what lead to the de platforming & why Censorship truly is..bullsh*t.

Monday May 09, 2022
My 16 year Entrepreneurial journey.
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
As I am in the depths of launching my new company and entering into an entirely new, disruptive and exciting industry, being crypto / NFT's the digital space, I knew it was time to sit down and record my 16 year journey into Entrepreneurship to date.
Many (if not most) don't know I actually launched my very first business at 18 taking out a business loan that was 50% of my yearly income at the time which began my journey into the business world.
From there I earned 7 figures in Network Marketing and then multiple six figures in my first year of launching my Self-Love School, but in this episode I take you through the stories and lessons I have learned so far, and why I believe my background and appetite to take risks and read trends is so important in this next evolution for me.

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Are filters hurting or helping you?
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
In this episode I talk all things filters - of the social media variety - and how I truly believe they are todays biggest body dysmorphia (and have been for years).
I hear it all of the time, "I only use the really natural ones" or "I only use them sometimes and besides everyoneeee uses them". And ANY reason you use them is completely fine, because they're your reasons, but in this episode I simply speak to the points that are they honestly actually helping you? Or hurting you.
There's a challenge right at the end too if you're so called, and although IG still has me shadow banned, if you DO take up the challenge, I'd love to (try to be) tagged so I can see your natural beautiful faces at @thereal_annarose

Thursday Apr 07, 2022
The story & lessons from my first Half Ironman.
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Back in June 2021, I competed in my very first half ironman (a 70.3). I had only gotten into triathlon as a sport 1 year earlier, having not been able to swim, never really having ridden a bike & not being a great runner.
So in my first year to have completed 8 triathlon and then into my first half ironman, is something I will never not be deeply proud of.
If you haven't already, go back and listen to Episode 52, "My story that broke me then made me & inspired me into my half ironman" because in it, I go through in to the VERY big why about what inspired me into competing in my first half, and the bigness of it all.
'Tying' this chapter off in my life, felt big and emotional. I recorded this shortly after finishing the race, I just never had uploaded it, but it's now time.
p.s I went on to compete & race in a 2nd half ironman less than 6 months later. And still have an episode coming on the lessons from that too!

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
I’m BACK & oh so happy about it.
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
After more than 9 months off the podcast feeling, healing & grieving from my marriage separation and getting back into the dating world I am officially BACK. And not back then disappearing again. Back BACK, and this time I'm not going anywhere.
I have given my life and those that were directly connected to it the time and space & respect of silence now, but it's time & I do feel I can show back up again in my fullest truth.
If you've listened to any episode prior to this one you know I speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I don't edit or censor my words or feelings, so to have given a weekly voice to what I have gone through, healed and dealt with both from a separation AND dating perspective, wouldn't have respected those who wanted privacy. But it's been 12 months now, and as a woman who is healed and whole, I'm ready to spit a lot of new fire and sermons of truth with the world again.
There'll be honest conversations about dating as a 34 year old (after not for 14 years), sex, love, heartbreak, launching new businesses and everything in between.
And I can't wait to have you all back along for the journey again.

Friday Jun 04, 2021
My story that broke me then made me & inspired me into my Half Ironman.
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
This episode comes with a BIG trigger warning. This is my story. A story of a decade long of sexual abuse by a trusted family friend from our church. In this almost hour-long conversation, I share some of my stories from as young as I can remember of how I was groomed, molested, & eventually raped. I talk about how I became healed & whole and why I am finally ready to share my whole story.
It is this story, my past, that was the ultimate inspiration for enrolling in my first half ironman. At the time of recording this episode (it was May 26th when I sat down to record), I explain how I have gone from 11 years ago being broken, dead on the inside & wanting to die to being 11 days out to competing in my first half ironman & loving myself unconditionally.
When we share – we heal – and this is my final paragraph in this chapter of reclaiming my FULL power & strength with this story. My story.
Find Anna on Instagram: @annarose_richards
Join Self-Love School: https://www.self-loveschool.com

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
My voice & words on Morgs & I's seperation
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
For 50 episodes on our space here in the Podcast world, whether we recorded episodes together or our solo chats, Morgs & I had launched & laughed our way through conversation after conversation bringing you tonnes of laughs (& some tears!). And now, as we navigate this new chapter of our lives, with a desire for privacy & respect for each other, I couldn’t NOT at least acknowledge this big life change in my own energy before I continue on with the podcast.
Find Anna on IG here: @annarose_richards